The zookeepers will need a door to come in and out of the enclosure, and they will need a place to give the food to the Hyenas. we should have a place to put the hyenas in while they're cleaning or fixing things. we might need a place like a nursing center so if the Hyenas get hurt or have a cub they can take care of them. Also, easy access to wherever the hyenas are so that means that we will
probably need doors or gates around so they can take them out easier. A filter for the waterfall lake so they won’t have to clean it all the time. The water should be drinkable.
This is what the waterfall and lake might look like.

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    Hello! We are 4 normal 7th graders working on a Zoomanity Project. Our names are Tionna, Adora, Martina, and Jose. Thanks for finding our website! Hope you enjoy and learn something about Hyenas.


    November 2013

