
-Its fur is usally grayish but sometimes can be pale tan

-Has thick black stripes, vertical pattern

-Has a black patch in the bottom of the neck

-Has a mane from head to tip of the tail

-Muzzle/face darker than its actual fur

-Weighs 57-70 pounds

-About 2.2-2.5 feet tall

-Muzzle to tip of the tail, 5 feet long


-Northeast Africa, Middle East, and Asia

-Hunts on the Indian forest and seashores for washed up animals

-Nocturnal and usally rest under protruding rocks during the day

-Often raids farms and melon patches in Israel, which bring there conflict with humans


-Females usally tend to come to sexual maturity around 2-3 years old

-The females are pregnant for about 88-92 days

-The females can get pregnant at 15 months

-Usually there are 2 cubs in the litter but the range can be anywhere between 1-5 cubs

-Cubs open their eyes after 5 days since there birth

-Females can come to heat at anytime of the year.

-When the female has mated the gestation period is 88-92 days

-Cubs start to eat meat at 30 days and will continue to recieve meat by their parents for about 4-5 months

-The den is a hole or a space between rocks where the family stays and lives.


-The animal is not a territorial animal, hence having multiple packs in the same field or area

-Most live in packs of 1-2 but some have been reported to have 7 hyenas

-When fighting the bite and the throat and legs

-Licking and pawing eachother’s throats are ways to greet each other

-When threatened their manes spike up making them look bigger


-The color of their fur helps them hunt beacsue they can camofouge in tall grass

-Unlike most animals the females are the head of the ppack and mostly dominate the males

-Use a cackling howl to communicate

-Striped hyenas have large ears so tehy can hear things from miles away

-The front legs are longer than the front so they look simlar to a limping walk

-They are agile with running and trotting, but also can walk with ease

-These hyenas can’t climb trees.

-The reason why is beacuse there bodies are made for bone crushing and very fast running

-There taller front legs makes them unable to climb the tree, beacsue of thier balence


-Moslty feed on already eaten carcasses

-Feeds on fresh bones, cartiliage, ligaments, and bone narrow

-Moslty carnivores but feed on melons, garbage and fruits

Hunting skills

-They mostly feed on dead animals but they hunt if they need food for there cubs

-They hide in tall grass and stock there prey

-They chase after their prey and grab it by the groin and pull it out, inflicting excrucitating pain

-Because its a scavenger, striped hyenas need more water than any other animal in the savannah

-Because of the high amount of calcium they aer eating, there faces get very white, very quick

-Hyenas are scavngers, meaning they eat other animals kill, it rarely hunts for itself

-When it’s eating, a striped hyena eats until its complety full, unless the female has cubs to feed

Hunted not hunters

-Hunters would say kind things to the animal like, “you are very beautiful, you could be a lion, oh wait you are one” and would be able to get the noose around the hyenas neck

-There fur is sold for the same prices as wolf and dog fur

-Some hyenas are speared down from men on horses

-Hunters is Kandahar use hypnosis to put the hyena in a trance “turn into dust, turn into stone”

-They flatter the hyena by giving nice comments, believing they can understand Arabic language

-Hyenas are eaten by egyptians, arabians, pakistanians, and sinais

-Some parts of the hyena were believed to help the sick and magic

-The hair of it’s mane is used as a love potion or a sickness charm

-Indians believe if you eat the tounge, it could kill/stop tumors


-The hyenas are near thretened

-One reason they are hunted is beause they can carry dieseases that they can spread to other animals, for example rabies, canine distemper, and anthrax

-They should be conserved beacuse they have very stron immune systems and they are able to be cured from a very bad diesease very shortly, so they should be conserved so we can learn more about them

-Hyenas all facilitate energy transfer and cycling of nutrients between biotic and abiotic portions of the ecosystems in which they live

- They can survive under conditions no other large carnivore can tolerate

-They are very intelligent and smart creatures


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

