Our exhibit has caves/dens for the hyenas to have privacy and dens for there new young. We also will, have tall grass, so they can camouflage naturally while hunting. We will include, short grass to replace and mimic the brown African Savannah grass. We’ll also, add a lake so they can hunt near the shore, drink, and swim. Tall, big rocks where they can naturally dig their own dens. We will have loose dirt around the rocks so they can dig their dens. Chew toys to play with, Hyena’s like to play with uneaten body parts, also need very strong chew toy to practice eating bones, and large, tall trees for shade.

Mother Spotted Hyena with her cub
Mother Striped Hyena with her cub

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    Hello! We are 4 normal 7th graders working on a Zoomanity Project. Our names are Tionna, Adora, Martina, and Jose. Thanks for finding our website! Hope you enjoy and learn something about Hyenas.


    November 2013

